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Piotr Kłosiński


Co-founder of the law firm, since 2006 he has been representing individual and business clients. He specializes in matters related to the broadly understood financial market, foreign currency loans and real estate. He also occurs in criminal trials. Specialist and speaker at numerous training courses in the field of competition law. Disciplinary Judge at the Łódź Basketball Association.

Michał Bulesowski


Co-founder of the law firm, since 2006 he has been helping individual clients and enterprises. He specializes in civil matters, in particular, he successfully represents clients in disputes with government institutions, insurers and in litigation with a cross-border element. He also conducts criminal cases in the field of economic crimes.

Marika Trybulska


Since 2013, she has been representing the law firm's clients in civil and criminal cases. She has had a lot of success in cases with government agencies and compensation cases for the law firm's clients. A certified mediator entered on the lists at the courts of the Łódź district. She has successfully conducted many mediations in the field of commercial law.

Katarzyna Grabarczyk

Legal trainee

PhD student at the chair of constitutional law at the University of Lodz, trainee at the District Bar Council in Łódź, specializes in civil, administrative and court disputes, in particular issues related to foreign currency loans, bonds, construction law and cross-border elements.

Filip Plewa

Legal trainee

Specialist in compensation cases and criminal proceedings aimed at recovering civil law liabilities of the aggrieved. Filip also represents clients in family matters, divorce, parental responsibility and child support matters. Attorney trainee at the District Bar Council in Łódź

Martyna Krawczyk

Legal trainee

He specializes in family matters, since June 2019 he has been active in the organization of the Women's Rights Center, supporting it in legal matters. In addition, he conducts cases in the field of civil law, in particular labor law, i.e. appeals against unlawful termination of employment, claims for overtime, mobbing, discrimination in employment. Trainee at the District Bar Council in Łódź.

Sandra Ptasik

Legal trainee

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz. She defended her master's thesis with a very good result at the Department of Labor Law under the supervision of prof. related dr. hab. Zbigniew Góral. Entered in 2021 on the list of attorney trainees at the District Bar Council in Łódź. The application is carried out under the patronage of Adw. Michał Bulesowski. Her professional interests are focused on civil, medical, family and guardianship law.

Laura Jończyk


Studentka na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.  Specjalizuje się w prawie cywilnym oraz jest odpowiedzialna za obsługę administracyjną klientów kancelarii.

Magdalena Silkowska


Absolwentka na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.  Specjalizuje się w bieżącej obsłudze klientów w sprawach związanych  z odszkodowaniami oraz jest odpowiedzialna za obsługę administracyjną klientów kancelarii.

Artur Chrościcki


Student na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.  Specjalizuje się w prawie cywilnym oraz jest odpowiedzialna za obsługę administracyjną klientów kancelarii

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